PROOF READING A thorough check of your work to weed out typos, grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes. This is vital if you're thinking of publishing your writing. Every writer needs this 'second eye.'

EDITING A professional edit of your work to suit your needs. This could include advice on structure, themes, points of view etc.

COACHING on elements such as dialogue, characterisation, and plot.

HOW TO FIND AN AGENT Once you've decided your work is ready to publish, we can advise on how to go about finding an agent.

HOW TO SELF-PUBLISH If you want to go down this route, we can guide you through the options.

FORMATTING AND DESIGN We can help you step by step through the tricky process of formatting your book and designing covers and spines.

GHOST WRITING  Feel you've got your story to tell but not sure how to go about it? Contact us.